MediaWiki:AddressFromCepJqueryVersion.js e B000002: mudanças entre as páginas

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// Adapted from
$(document).ready(function () {
"use strict";
function cleanAddressFields() {
// It cleans values from address fields.
// "\\" is the scape way of jQuery
$("[name=User\\[Has\\ city\\]]").val("");
// When CEP field ("postalCode") loses focus.
$("[name=User\\[postalCode\\]]").blur(function () {
// A new variable "cep" is made with only digits.
var cep = $(this).val().replace(/\D/g, "");
// Testing if the CEP variable has any value.
if (cep !== "") {
// Regular expression to validate CEP.
var cepValidator = /^[0-9]{8}$/;
// Testing CEP validation. If true...
if (cepValidator.test(cep)) {
// It fills the address fields with "..." while the web service is busy.
$("[name=User\\[Has\\ city\\]]").val("...");
// It queries the web service
$.getJSON("" + cep + "/json/?callback=?", function (dados) {
if (!("erro" in dados)) {
// It updates the address fields with the data from the query.
|data=$a 9788536808246
$("[name=User\\[Has\\ city\\]]").val(dados.localidade);
else {
// The CEP searched was not found.
alert("CEP não encontrado.");
|data=$a BR-RjBN $b por $c BR-RjBN $d BR-FlWIK
else {
// The CEP is invalid.
alert("Formato de CEP inválido.");
|data=$a s-bl---
else {
// The CEP is empty, it cleans the form fields.
|data=$2 23 $a B869.3
|authorityData100=$a Assis, Machado de, $d 1839-1908 $0 A000001
|data=$a Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas / $c Machado de Assis.
|data=$a São Paulo : $b Difusão Cultural do Livro, $c c2015.
|data=$a 184 p. ; $c 21 cm
|data=$a Grandes nomes da literatura
|data=$a Na capa: Texto integral com comentários.
|data=$a Ficção brasileira
|data=$a Grandes nomes da literatura
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