Estudo e modelagem do impacto da sujidade do desempenho energético de sistemas fotovoltaicos
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Estudo e modelagem do impacto da sujidade do desempenho energético de sistemas fotovoltaicos [recurso eletrônico] / Letícia Recco Tramontin ; orientador, Giuliano Arns Rampinelli
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117 p. : il.
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Dissertação (mestrado) – Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências, Tecnologias e Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Energia e Sustentabilidade, Araranguá, 2024.
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Estudo e modelagem do impacto da sujidade do desempenho energético de sistemas fotovoltaicos [recurso eletrônico] / Letícia Recco Tramontin ; orientador, Giuliano Arns Rampinelli
Data de publicação
Descrição física
117 p. : il.
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Dissertação (mestrado) – Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências, Tecnologias e Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Energia e Sustentabilidade, Araranguá, 2024.
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Abstract: The generation of electricity from photovoltaic plants in Brazil has been growing, and new challenges arise in this context. The deposition of dirt on the surface of photovoltaic modules is a significant cause of losses in electricity generation. The main objective of this study was to investigate, model, and analyze the impact of dirt on the energy performance of photovoltaic systems, by measuring the gain obtained after cleaning eight photovoltaic systems located in Rio Grande do Sul (RS) and São Paulo (SP). Data from the inverter output of each system within a range of up to 30 days before and after the procedure were collected, arranged, and processed. This was also done for the solar irradiation data obtained through the nearest INMET meteorological stations, limited to a radius of 50 km. It was possible to model the correlation between solar irradiation and energy produced using linear regression techniques, with a determination coefficient close to one, indicating a good fit of the model. Except for SFV 1, which has atypical surrounding conditions, the average increase in energy produced over the 10-day period between the systems was 10.58%, or 0.0148 kWh/m². The model was applied to different sample sizes, covering periods ranging from ten to thirty days before and after cleaning. An improvement of around 25% was observed in the power curve of the inverters after cleaning the photovoltaic modules, especially in the case of SFV 1. The improvement at more modest levels was consistent in all the systems analyzed for the ten-day period after cleaning. The analyses also showed the influence of factors such as the angle of inclination of the roof, shading and environmental conditions on energy production. However, it is important to recognize the limitations of this study, such as the lack of detailed data on climatic conditions and the accuracy of the measurements. The analysis is based on data available from monitoring platforms, which may be subject to inaccuracies or technical limitations. These limitations highlight the need for future research to further explore the effects of cleaning photovoltaic modules in different contexts and climatic conditions. Nonetheless, the study made it possible to quantify the impact of cleaning on the energy performance of different photovoltaic systems using a simple linear regression methodology and helped to estimate the cleaning schedule for photovoltaic systems by analyzing the impact of soiling on energy production and making it possible to convert the gross gain into monetary terms.