Perspectivas sobre o aborto legal em caso de gravidez decorrente de estupro na História do Direito Penal Brasileiro (1940-1998) interpretações jurídicas e estratégias de resistência feminina
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Perspectivas sobre o aborto legal em caso de gravidez decorrente de estupro na História do Direito Penal Brasileiro (1940-1998) [recurso eletrônico] : interpretações jurídicas e estratégias de resistência feminina / Bárbara Madrugada da Cunha ; orientador, Diego Nunes
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298 p.
Disponível somente em versão on-line.
Tese (doutorado) – Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Jurídicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito, Florianópolis, 2024.
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Perspectivas sobre o aborto legal em caso de gravidez decorrente de estupro na História do Direito Penal Brasileiro (1940-1998) [recurso eletrônico] : interpretações jurídicas e estratégias de resistência feminina / Bárbara Madrugada da Cunha ; orientador, Diego Nunes
Data de publicação
Descrição física
298 p.
Disponível somente em versão on-line.
Tese (doutorado) – Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Jurídicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito, Florianópolis, 2024.
Inclui referências.
Abstract: The research aims to comprehend the meanings attributed to the legal hypothesis of abortion in case of pregnancy resulting from rape (article 128, II) under the 1940 Penal Code since the elaboration of the legislation until the publication of the Health Ministry’s Technical Code in 1998, which regulates the service of legal abortion by the national health system (SUS). To do so, the research is based on a feminist and multinormative perspective of the legal phenomena and utilizes doctrinal, journalistic, normative and parliamentary sources, seeking to analyze the existing tensions between the traditional interpretation given to the legal hypotheses of abortion in the Penal Code and those claimed by the feminist movement since the constituent process. The study finds that the debate was initialized by the medical community in the context of World War I and that abortion resulting from rape was foreseen by the 1940 Penal Code without vast social mobilization. It also reveals that the legal doctrine, overall, comprehended abortion resulting from rape as an exclusion of illegality of the doctor’s conduct, understanding that the woman didn’t have the autonomy to perform the procedure if she found herself in this situation. By demonstrating that the jurists continued to associate sexual violence to the protection of honor and didn’t admit rape crime inside conjugal relationships, this work sustains that the legal provision of rape aimed originally at protecting legitimate families, safeguarding the sexual right of the man over his wife. The thesis also reveals that this norm was only comprehended as a woman’s right with the repercussion of international mobilizations for the legalization of abortion, starting in the 1970s and the articulation of the feminist movement in Brazil, in the context of redemocratization. The conclusion is that it was only possible to create government initiatives that recognized legal abortion as a woman’s right and duty of the State under the consecrated rights of the 1988 Federal Constitution. This work contributes with the analysis of the limits of the constitutionalization of criminal law, defending the creation of a law that enforces the guarantee of legal abortion by SUS as a strategy of consecration of this right