Avaliação morfoanatômicas e elaboração e validação de uma escala diagramática para a podridão da uva madura
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Avaliação morfoanatômicas e elaboração e validação de uma escala diagramática para a podridão da uva madura [recurso eletrônico] / Marceli Raquel Burin ; orientador, Rubens Onofre Nodari
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28 p. : il.
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Dissertação (mestrado) – Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Recursos Genéticos Vegetais, Florianópolis, 2024.
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Avaliação morfoanatômicas e elaboração e validação de uma escala diagramática para a podridão da uva madura [recurso eletrônico] / Marceli Raquel Burin ; orientador, Rubens Onofre Nodari
Data de publicação
Descrição física
28 p. : il.
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Dissertação (mestrado) – Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Recursos Genéticos Vegetais, Florianópolis, 2024.
Inclui referências.
Abstract: National viticulture has enormous cultural and socio-economic importance, involving mostly small rural producers, who depend on the production of grapes, wines and enotourism. Santa Catarina is one of the largest grapes producing states in Brazil, with a total production of 56,900 tons in 2021. Part of the state's production is destined for the processing of fine wines, from European varieties of Vitis vinifera, due to their higher oenological quality. However, European varieties are more susceptible to fungal diseases, such as ripe grape rot, than American and Asian varieties. The disease is caused by species of Colletotrichum spp., and is favored by hot and humid weather conditions, causing the barries to shrivel at the ripening stage. To reduce production costs and losses, as well as the risks caused by fungicides, and to ensure greater health and enological quality of wines, PIWI varieties, resulting from the backcrossing of V. vinifera varieties with American and/or Asian varieties, have resistance to downy mildew and powdery mildew. However, these varieties do not have resistance genes mapped for ripe grape rot. In this context, this project aims to develop and validate a diagrammatic scale for phenotypic evaluation of the severity of symptoms of ripe grape rot and to characterize morpho-anatomically the berries of different grape varieties, correlating them with sensitivity to the pathogen. To this end, a diagrammatic scale for ripe grape rot was developed in the laboratory with grape varieties and different berry colors, inoculated with isolate GL_VI_19 (Colletotrichum spp.,). After ten days of monitoring and daily photos of the evolution of symptoms, the images were inserted into the R software (Pliman package). The ED was validated based on the scores given by random evaluators for the berry symptoms with and without the aid of the ED developed. The data collected were used to analyze the scale's precision and accuracy. The thickness of the epidermis and cuticle layer of the Bronner, Calardis Blanc, Prior, Regent and PI 4407 (Vitis shuttleworthii) varieties were photographed using optical and scanning electron microscopy and measured using Image J software. The statistical analyses between the varieties, types of cut and years of evaluation were carried out using the R software, as well as the sensitivity analyses of these varieties to the Colletotrichum spp. isolate (GL_VI_19). The diagrammatic scale (ED) developed for the phenotypic assessment of ripe grape rot on Vitis spp. berries proved to be effective, especially on white berries, showing greater precision and accuracy in the analyses. However, adjustments are needed to improve the applicability of the model in rosé and ink-colored berries. The analysis of the thickness of the cuticle and epidermis layers showed the cultivated variety of V. shuttleworthii (PI 4407) with the highest thickness values in both analysis methodologies, followed by the Prior, Bronner, Regent and Calardis Blanc varieties, where Bronner and Prior shower greater susceptibility, while Calardis Blanc and PI 4407 shower high resistance. Finally, the results of the path analysis indicate a weak correlation between the severity of ripe grape rot and the layers of epidermis and cuticle, while showing a strong correlation between the severity and the genetic characteristics of the varieties tested, suggesting that genetic mechanisms predominantly affect resistance to ripe grape rot. Thus, the data shown in this study are important for the selection and development of varieties resistant to ripe grape rot, favoring the development of a more sustainable national viticulture.