Governança global do ciberespaço como mecanismo na promoção da segurança internacional uma análise a partir das perspectivas de EUA, China e Rússia
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Governança global do ciberespaço como mecanismo na promoção da segurança internacional [recurso eletrônico] : uma análise a partir das perspectivas de EUA, China e Rússia / Eduardo de Rê ; orientadora, Danielle Jacen Ayres Pinto
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159 p. : il.
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Dissertação (mestrado) – Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Socioeconômico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Relações Internacionais, Florianópolis, 2024.
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Governança global do ciberespaço como mecanismo na promoção da segurança internacional [recurso eletrônico] : uma análise a partir das perspectivas de EUA, China e Rússia / Eduardo de Rê ; orientadora, Danielle Jacen Ayres Pinto
Data de publicação
Descrição física
159 p. : il.
Disponível somente em versão on-line.
Dissertação (mestrado) – Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Socioeconômico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Relações Internacionais, Florianópolis, 2024.
Inclui referências.
Abstract: Cyberspace has become a domain of power capable of affecting both our most basic activities and activities that require a high degree of specialization. In this way, the interconnection between the digital world and the material world makes this domain part of the international politics agenda, and its management, control, and administration are of great relevance to the geopolitical scenario. However, this domain lacks an accepted set of rules and regulations at the international level to guide the behavior and responsibilities of States. Therefore, this work aims to understand if the construction and implementation of a global governance for cyberspace have the ability to mitigate tensions and distrust among States regarding their behaviors in cyberspace. It starts from a hypothetical-deductive methodological approach based on qualitative analysis of information, assuming that the establishment of global governance for cyberspace promotes international security. It is understood that governance involves various dimensions, including a normative structure with rules, norms, and principles, standards of conduct, and policy coordination. Thus, the work analyzes how this phenomenon applied to cyberspace produces effects on relations between States, especially regarding security. In addition to understanding the traditional concept of governance, the perspectives and positions of the United States, China, and Russia on global governance of cyberspace were observed through the analysis of their government documents addressing the subject, also encompassing the multistakeholder and multilateral governance models being debated in international discussions. Based on the ontological security line, the implications for international security that the implementation of global governance for cyberspace can raise were analyzed, leading to the conclusion that by foreseeing a system of rules and compliance, with the establishment of an order, this implementation can promote security in relations between States.