B000085: mudanças entre as edições

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|data=$a Abstract: The present study proposes to identify and analyze the extent to which access to the city of Florianópolis/SC was restricted by racism. The time frame begins with the period of black slavery in Brazil, until the permanent struggle for access to the city, in a place like Florianópolis/SC. The methodology adopted is part of a critical perspective, with a qualitative nature, including bibliographical, documentary and empirical research, regarding the genesis of the urban issue in Brazil, since the creation of the land law and the process of urban occupation, and also related to the historical events of the period, pertinent to exclusionary urban spoliation. Bringing some authors to analyze the “city” category, including authors such as Danilo Sales do Nascimento França, as well as classic authors highlighted by them such as Flávio Villaça, Milton Santos, David Harvey, Ermínia Maricato, Raquel Rolnik, Henry Lefebvre, Manuel Castells, using original texts, in addition to the article by Sarmento and Cortizo, recognized through documents and articles, played a crucial role in establishing the racial issue through authors focused on the racial issue, authors were used who are research sources such as Jesse de Souza, Carlos Hasenbalg, Clovis Moura, Cida Bento, Lélia Gonzalez, Silvio de Almeida, Lilia Moritz Schwarcz and Lia Vainer Schucman. Based on this substantial set of materials, the analysis aims to highlight and recognize the essential historical role played by the protagonists, thus contributing to the understanding of the identity of the marginalized black population in the city. This population fights for the recognition of their rights in the city, especially in areas that have been designated as precarious in terms of access to public facilities. In the analysis of the theme “racial issue”, the basis of historicized contributions will be used, which aim to approach reality, reading and analysis, considering the movement of determinations, processes and their social mediations for a critical understanding of reality. At the same time, it is understood that the hierarchization of socio-historical analyzes and the ideology of whitening have slowed down and obstructed the entry of the analysis of the racial issue. Therefore, it is about paying attention to the introduction of the racial issue within the struggle for the right to the historically constructed city and the relevance materialized in its unavoidable dimension in our contemporary times.


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