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Uma lista de todas as páginas que têm a propriedade "Field data" com valor "42$u https://covers.openlibrary.org/b/isbn/8533613377-M.jpg $y Imagem". Uma vez que houve poucos resultados, também são apresentados valores aproximados.

A seguir são mostrados até 7 resultados, iniciando no 1º.

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Lista de resultados

  • Foundations of Semantic Web technologies  + (42$u https://covers.openlibrary.org/b/isbn/9781420090505-M.jpg $y Imagem)
  • As crônicas de Nárnia: volume único  + (42$u https://covers.openlibrary.org/b/isbn/9788578270698-M.jpg $y Imagem)
  • O senhor dos anéis  + (8#$a v. 1. A sociedade do anel -- v. 2. As duas torres -- v. 3. O retorno do rei.)
  • Sapiens: uma breve história da humanidade  + (8#$a "Um dos maiores fenômenos editoriais 8#$a "Um dos maiores fenômenos editoriais dos últimos tempos O que possibilitou ao Homo sapiens subjugar as demais espécies? O que nos torna capazes das mais belas obras de arte, dos avanços científicos mais impensáveis e das mais horripilantes guerras? Nossa capacidade imaginativa. Somos a única espécie que acredita em coisas que não existem na natureza, como Estados, dinheiro e direitos humanos. Partindo dessa ideia, Yuval Noah Harari, doutor em história pela Universidade de Oxford, aborda em Sapiens a história da humanidade sob uma perspectiva inovadora. Explica que o capitalismo é a mais bem-sucedida religião; que o imperialismo é o sistema político mais lucrativo; que nós, humanos modernos, embora sejamos muito mais poderosos que nossos ancestrais, provavelmente não somos mais felizes. Um relato eletrizante sobre a aventura de nossa extraordinária espécie – de primatas insignificantes a senhores do mundo. “Uma história abrangente da raça humana. [...] aborda alguns dos fatores cruciais que nos permitiram construir esta extraordinária civilização.” - Barack Obama"traordinária civilização.” - Barack Obama")
  • Proliferando conhecimento blog como ferramenta para disponibilizar materiais pedagógicos sobre Aedes aegypti a professores de ensino médio  + (8#$a Abstract: Dengue is the most common a8#$a Abstract: Dengue is the most common arbovirus in the world. There are four serotypes of this disease, and, it can present from mild symptoms to severe forms that can progress to death. It is transmitted by the bite of the insect vector, mainly the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which can also transmit Zika and Chikungunya fever. The prevention of dengue and the other arboviruses mentioned above is done through the fight against its vector, which can occur in its different stages of development, through the knowledge and application of several strategies that depend of regional characteristics and available technologies. Such strategies involve community awareness, which is permeated by educational practices, often initiated in schools. Thus, in the present work, the blog PROLIFERANDO CONHECIMENTO was built aimed at high school teachers. The blog gathers investigative materials about Aedes aegypti and arboviruses transmitted by it, serving as a source of lesson plans and research for teachers. Furthermore, the author of this work prepared an investigative teaching sequence, also to be made available in the blog. For more teachers to have access to the blog, the use of an Instagram page is considered, that increasing the scope of posts, and consequently, the increasing of the use of the investigative approach in schools for the study of Aedes aegypti, dengue and others arboviruses.es aegypti, dengue and others arboviruses.)
  • O valor intrínseco da vida em Dworkin e as questões sobre o fim da vida  + (8#$a Abstract: The present work aims to an8#$a Abstract: The present work aims to analyze how the concept of intrinsic value of life formulated by Ronald Dworkin can be applied in decisions related to end-of-life issues. The hypothesis that is intended to be verified is the theory presented by Dworkin based on a concept of intrinsic value, which without pointing out the nature of this value, can be better understood from its moral philosophy. To this end, it seeks to explore Dworkin's moral philosophy and arguments from Justice For Hedgehogs and its relationship, compatibility, and complementation to the arguments of the work Life’s Dominion, which defends a pro-liberal position in which citizens have the right and responsibility to determine how and when to die. The theme related to the end of life is justified by its moral and political relevance, which has been put on the agenda due to technological advances and medical art, debating the limits and circumstances in which one must insist on the maintenance of life and the possibility of anticipating the process of dying.The intention of the work hypothesis is corroborated by the fact that ethical or bioethical theories do not consider the value of life as a criterion in decisionmaking in questions about the end of life. It is argued that, although the theorization of the intrinsic value proposed by Dworkin focused on issues with the end of life is subject to objections, the reflections defended by the author can corroborate for more responsible arguments and decisions. more responsible arguments and decisions.)