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Lista de resultados
- Uma abordagem ao conceito de economia circular utilizando rizomas de gengibre (zingiber officinale roscoe) para a produção de biomateriais ativos = an approach to the concept of circular economy using ginger rhizomes (zingiber officinale roscoe) for the production of active biomaterials +
- The authentically english dictionary for the tourism industry +
- Foundations of Semantic Web technologies +
- The child and adolescent athlete +
- Control Design for Constrained LTI and LPV Systems via Polyhedral Set Invariance +
- The crazy [female] artist iconographies of art, mental illness and gender in Ellen Forney's marbles +
- Desing of a three-phase t-type interleaved converter +
- Development and content validation of a computer-based tasks for assessing theory of mind in children (ToMT) +
- Efeitos de doses cumulativas de radioterapia na resistência de união de um cimento resinoso universal à dentina intrarradicular +
- Elements of learning theory and their application in the prediction of malignancy of breast lesions +
- Energy-based models for the magneto-elastic behavior of ferromagnetic materials +
- Evolução morfológica da desembocadura da Baia da Babitonga, Santa Catarina +
- The female athlete: conditioning, competition, and culture +
- A guide to computer applications in the humanities +
- Investigating the potantial for battery energy storage system in distributed photovoltaic generation on public buildings in Brazil +
- Knowledge, beliefs and attitudes of equine practitioners and enthusiasts about behaviors, emotions and welfare in horses +
- Lean and Resilience in the healthcare supply chain +
- Measurement and modeling of environmental flows: 1992 +
- A numerical analysis of the biomechanics of the troracolumbar spine and the effects of vertebral body tethering instrumentation +
- OPHELIA a neural solution for text classification using joint embeddings of words and KG entities +
- The reconstruction of the summit in Brazilian under-democracy concept and evolution in a systemic approach +
- O senhor dos anéis +